15 JAN 2017
Understanding Your Degu
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Degus
Want to know why your degus chatters or thumps, and why they prefer dust baths to water baths? Here’s our quick guide to understanding degus behaviour… Burrowing In the wild, degus live partly above ground and partly underground, creating tunnels to cool down in during the summer and to stash food away in the winter – even organising themselves into digging chains to make the job easier! Encourage this behaviour at home by adding a thick layer of soft materials or soil to the bottom of their cage so there’s plenty of burrowing opportunities. Degus can often be found hiding food, and covering and uncovering it – but it’s not unusual for them to forget where they’ve hidden it too, so keep an eye on their favourite spots if they are allowed loose in your home! Thumping Tail wagging is sometimes used by females to show they are ready to breed and by some males to show off! Tail drumming can also be used as an alarm call to .. [More] degusbaby1.jpg
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